Who should participate?
High Schools , Boarding Schools Grade 5-12 and College-Preparatory Boarding Schools.
What Is The WEBA International Recruitment Program?
WEBA provides fair venues for boarding school representatives to meet agents in charge of the recruitment of students . Agents who can recruit students from 11 till 18 years old. The overall itinerary provides enough time around the fairs to conduct school business, arrange outside appointments and schedule admission interviews.
Who Should Attend?
We require that your school be represented by an admissions staff member, teacher or administrator. We do encourage you to call on local alumni and parents to join your school at the fair.
What About Displays?
Each school will be supplied with a table at each fair. You may wish to use any of these typical display items: a table drape with the school logo, inquiry cards, books, brochures, photo albums, a battery-operated laptop and video, or spirit merchandise for gifts. Please note - this is a "tabletop only"; exhibit hall and floor banners are prohibited. Whatever your plan, be sure your display is simple, lightweight and easy to transport.
What's Covered By The Fees?
Fees cover the cost of fair venues, lists of area contacts and country information in advance, marketing and promotional activities.
WEBA is looking forward to our 7th annual recruitment tour in Asia Please see fair dates below.
Package price € 6,990
Japan - Tokyo

25th of September
Fair Time : 11:00 - 16:00
€ 4,295 Rate
Fly Tokyo 18:30 - 19:35 with Japan Airlines 133
Include in the package price:
- Accommodation from the 23 September until the 26 September single room or double room
- Lunch, Coffee / Tea Break
- Workshops in Seoul and Tokyo
- Meetings with the agents
- Database of the agents attending
Rate: from € 3,995 per Fair
€ 6'990 Join all 2 Fairs
Past Exhibitors